Introductory Statement:
This policy was revised in 2017 to reflect changes in practice.
To contribute towards efficient timetabling
To ensure structure in the school day
To reduce congestion on dismissal
To ensure children’s safety
Relationship to School Ethos:
The fostering of a safe, stimulating and structured learning environment is central to the mission statement of the school and this policy contributes significantly towards those ideals.
Internal School Procedures
The School Day
Internal School Procedures
8.50 a.m. -
School opens
9.10 a.m. -
Formal Instruction commences
10.30 a.m. – 10.40 a.m. -
Fore noon break – may change due to shared resource teachers
12.30 p.m. - 1.00 p.m. -
Lunch Break
2.00 p.m. -
Junior and Senior infants’ hometime
2.00 p.m.
Parents collect infants at classroom door
2.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m. -
Optional supervision available in school for Junior
and Senior infants
2.50 p.m. – 3.00 p.m. -
Staggered home times in the interests of safety
Check school’s Road Safety Policy
2.50 p.m.
Children line up. Teacher 1 leads children to the car park and remains with them until they are collected. If a parent is delayed, children return to class with the teacher.
3.00 p.m.
Children line up. Teacher 2 leads children to the car park and waits till all children have been collected.
Roll is called before 10.20 a.m.
Class contact time is 5 hours (including assembly and roll call)
Break time Procedures
Lunch is eaten in the classroom before the children go out. Break time supervision is alternated. The teacher in charge for 1st break on day 1 is in charge on 2nd break on day 2. Children line up and walk in quietly after break.
Roles and Responsibilities
All staff members from Principal down have an input into the co-ordination and implementation of the policy. Class teachers oversee the reception of pupils in the mornings and their supervised dismissal in the afternoons.
Parents assist the dismissal policy by:
Parking responsibly
Ensuring children are not dropped at the school too early or collected too late
Teachers contribute to the policy through:
Supervising orderly dismissal and ensuring children left waiting are adequately supervised
Ensuring safety procedures are implemented
Informing parents of school opening and closing times and collection times after tours/shows etc.
Success Criteria:
Positive feedback from all stakeholders
Efficient reception and dismissal - No congestion in the car park - All children safe.
This policy was amended and ratified by the Board of Management on the 9th of June 2017