Derryquay National School is a catholic school under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Kerry. The school models and promotes a philosophy inspired by belief in God and traditional Catholic values. We promote religious education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and ethos of the catholic church.
This policy has been implemented in response to the necessity to accommodate the likely influx of ‘new Irish’ of other faiths into the school community over the coming years.
Relationship to school ethos:
This school enrols pupils of the faiths or no faith in the school subject to full enrolment criteria and respects their beliefs and practices in accordance with the school ethos of inclusivity.
School Procedures:
Every child is welcome into the school having satisfied enrolment procedures, but the school cannot undertake to educate children of other faiths in their own faith. The Board of Management and teachers have adopted the Alive-O Programme approved and recommended by the Irish hierarchy for use in catholic schools. This programme is delivered each day for the recommended 30 minutes .During this time pupils of other faiths can work at other curriculum areas under supervision. The programme is taught to each class. All Catholic feasts are celebrated.
Christmas – tree and cribs, Christmas Stories, Carol services, visit to local nursing homes to entertain patients
Feast of St. Brigid – making traditional crosses
Feast of St. Patrick – depiction of story and shamrock, St. Patrick’s Day Cards, entry in St. Patrick’s Day parade
Lent – Symbols of repentance, visit of local clergy to school to school to distribute ashes
Easter – Easter cards, story of the death of Jesus and resurrection, artwork and workbooks
Observance of Holy Days of Obligation
Celebration of the closing of school year with school mass
Family masses throughout the year
Liturgical Celebrations:
The whole school celebrates the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. Confirmation is celebrated in St. John’s Church, Tralee. Children receive their First Holy Communion in Curraheen Church. Children are prepared thoroughly in all aspects of these sacraments by the individual class teachers in keeping with the Catholic ethos of the school.
Teacher input:
In this school the following areas are covered;
In-service on delivering Alive-O programme
Study of Alive-O Teachers Guide
Prayer Services
Nativity plays
Carol Services
Success Criteria:
An acknowledged sense of God, Faith prayer and worship within the school community
Respect for all with in the school community
Parental interest
Recognisable links between home, school and parish
Rules and Responsibilities
Deliver Alive-O Programme
Cooperate with Chaplain/Parish and diocesan advisers
Avail of In-Service support
Actively support the ethos of the school
Parents - Support the school during times of sacramental preparation and assist at home with Religious Education homework
Principal - Facilitates supportive interaction between all parties in implementing the programme
Review: This policy was reviewed in November 2011 and will be reviewed again in September 2014 or before if the need arises.
Chairperson BOM