This policy was originally formulated in November 2010 and revised in 2017. It applies to all staff and children during school hours, break times, and on all school related activities.
The rules for National Schools 121(4) and 124(1) obliges teachers to take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of pupils and to participate in supervising pupils during school time and during all school related activities.
Legislation such as the Health Safety and Welfare at Work Act and recent Court judgments have placed a “duty of care” and accountability on schools that must be underpinned by a policy covering all possible eventualities.
Relationship to the Characteristic Ethos of the School
This policy is in keeping with the school ethos of providing a safe and secure environment for learning for all pupils and the wider school community.
Aims and Objectives
To develop a framework that effectively ensures, as far as is practicable, the safety of children while at play on the yard or while engaged in school related activities
To observe and monitor behavioural patterns outside the confines of the classroom
To contribute to effective school management and comply with relevant legislation.
School Procedures
It is the policy of the school to supervise the school yard at all times during regular lunch breaks i.e. 10.30am to 10.45am and 12.30pm to 1.00pm. Teachers assume a duty of care at 8.50am.
Rules of the school yard are reviewed and revised continually and communicated to children regularly
Supervision duties are compulsory. The Principal is responsible for maintaining the Supervision rota.
If parents indicate a worry about a particular child on the yard all teachers rostered for yard duty are informed of the concern so that the particular concerns can be addressed satisfactorily
Teachers on yard duty remain with the classes until the class teacher returns from break. Teachers taking a course day can swap supervision duties with a willing colleague. If a teacher is unexpectedly absent a volunteer colleague will assume his/her duties in a reciprocal arrangement
Children with injuries/complaints are dealt with directly by the teacher on yard duty.
First Aid boxes and Accident Report books are kept as a matter of procedure (See Accident and Injury Policy)
If children remain uncollected after 3.00pm, the school always ensures that a duty of care is provided until a parent/guardian calls.
Special Provisions
For out of school activities such as games and tours, the level of supervision is usually one adult per 15 children with individual teachers in charge of specific groups. Special education teachers, the school secretary and parents may be requested to assist
If a teacher is called from his/her classroom to meet with a parent, another member of staff may be released to cover. However, it is school policy to request parents to make appointments
On wet days children remain in their classes and are supervised by the class teacher or they may gather in the bigger room under the normal supervision rota. They take part in activities such as Bizzy Breaks or Cyber Coach.
The school Safety Statement lists all hazards on the school yard and supervisors are accordingly briefed
Parents may request that their children be allowed leave during the school day due to health commitments etc. Parents are asked to give their written or oral request for such activities and parents are made aware that the child is their responsibility during such appointments.
Success Criteria and Review
Ensuring a safe child-friendly school yard
Providing well organised and safe out of school activities
Re-enforcing school rules termly
Reviewing supervision duties yearly
Altering or adjusting procedures deemed to be inoperable
This policy has been in operation since January 2010 when it was ratified by the Board of Management
This policy was amended in April 2017 and will be reviewed in 2020 or before that should the need arise.
___________________ Chairperson BOM.